Number Ten:
Michaela Bradshaw
Previous Season: Millennials vs Gen X: 14th
No one in the cast knows who Michaela was in her first season going into the game, so this can either help or hurt her. But Michaela has a shot at this. She is strong in challenges, and she can be quite loyal. She just got to cool down a bit on the strategy side of her as it did her in, the first time. If She can blend in the crowd and be with the right people, she could make it far. It would be a good thing as she is likable for the most part.
Number Nine:
Troy "Troyzan" Robertson
Previous Season: One World: 8th
It's about time he appeared again. I remember that he was close to being recasted twice with "Caramoan: Fans vs Favourites", and "Second Chances", but not being brought back. Now, Troyzan is finally back on his island and I'm curious on what he is gonna do this time around. Troy is known for being a big personality, and he can be quite competitive when he is down in numbers. He was one of the very few things I liked about "One World" and I'm glad that he finally gets his second chance. It is a big question on how he is gonna do though. He will either be great or a disaster. Time will tell.
Number Eight:
Cirie Fields
Previous Season(s): Panama *Exile Island*: 4th, Micronesia *Favs vs Favourites*: 3rd, Heroes vs, Villains: 17th
She sure doesn't know when to stop. I don't hate Cirie. She has shown to be a strategic powerhouse. She is quite likable *She did call herself a nice gangster with a smile after all* and has shown to have what it takes to win over and over again. And while she seems at the best shape that she ever has in her last three apperances, it might be too little, too late. She was blindsided early last time, because everyone knew she was too much of a threat to be kept around for too long. Not only is one of those people back, not only is one of the people that she betrayed in the past back, but they are both on the same tribe as her. How can she survive with that? I don't know and if she does, then give her the win.
Number Seven:
Zeke Smith
Previous Season: Millennials vs Gen X: 9th
Another person entering the game where no one knows him. I don't even think Michaela knows much of him, they were only together for a very short amount of time and I don't recall either of them saying anything about the other once last season. With that said, I do think Zeke has a better chance of making it far then Michaela does. He is smart, he strong in challenges while not enough to be a physical threat, he can be funny, not afraid to make moves, and he is someone that looks like a classic villain with the mustache, how can you not like that? He can be strong socially as he started from the bottom, and almost got to the top. I could see Zeke doing well, we'll see
Number Six:
Sarah Lacina
Previous Season: Cagayan: 11th
The good cop of Cagayan. I'm not gonna lie.....Sarah disappointed me in Cagayan. She had serious potential in the game. She was likable, and so smart that she quickly found the other cop quickly *we'll get to him*, but I feel like she didn't take control as I expected, and she shot herself in the foot at merge. She seemed to be at the middle of 2 alliances, and got cocky and got into drama with hurricane kass, which ended in game in one of the most memorable tribals ever. Sarah has a second chance, and I hope she makes the most of it.
Number Five:
James "J.T" Thomas Jr.
Previous Season(s): Tocantins: 1st, Heroes vs Villains: 10th
The first one to get a perfect game by getting no votes except for the final tribal council, where he got all of the jury's votes. And for good reason, as J.T was amazing. He balanced the strategy, Brawn, and Social games perfectly, while being a southern gentlemen. He earned those votes. And then.....came Heroes vs Villains where he pulled what many considered, the worst move in Survivor History by giving his hidden immunity idol to a villain and get blindsided by his own idol. So, I see why is decided to come back, so that he can redeem himself from making a move that was doomed from the start. Curious to see what happens.
Number Four:
Ciera Easton
Previous Season(s): Blood vs Water: 5th, Second Chances: 10th
Oh hello again Ciera. Didn't I just see you a few seasons ago where I just saw you a few seasons before that? Despite, I still like Ciera. I enjoyed her from the very beginning. She was funny, she was strategic, and not afraid to speak up....even if it did cost her in "Second Chances". She was something that would never give up and would do what she thought was for the best, while not being annoying about it. Sure she voted out her mom which we all know as Jeff Probst won't stop bringing it up, but there is more to her then that one scene and it was shown over and over again. Let's see if she will keep going this season. With that said....Probst, why do you keep bringing up that Ciera voted her mom out? Do you want her to lose?
Number Three:
Andrea Boehlke
Previous Season(s): Redemption Island: 5th, Caramoan *Fans vs Favourites*: 7th
One of my all time favourite players is back. I am defently happy as I thought Andrea would never play again, as she said in a interview after "Caramoan" that she was done. But here we are, she returns and is ready to show what she can do, without Phillip Shepard around. She might make it far, as there are other people that are more threatening then her at the start. And I hope she does, because I love seeing her play and I hope she doesn't disappoint.
Number Two:
Oh boy, I bet you thought this would be my number one.
Tony Vlachos
Pervious Season(s): Cagayan: 1st
Wouldn't be surprised if you did. I mean, Tony is one of the best well known winners ever. He found multiple idols, managed to flip flop between alliances and still make it to the end, and did all of that, while not having won immunity once. He was at risk of going home the entire merge and survived by doing stuff that most people would go home for trying to accomplish. If Sarah was the good cop, Tony is the bad cop. And he was amazing. Which can be a problem this season as everyone knows who Tony is, and while he was lucky enough to win the first time, it could be a problem this time. If he makes it to the end, give him the win because with the target he will have, he deserves it.
Number One:
Malcolm Freberg
Previous Season: Philippines: 4th, Caramoan *Fans vs Favourites*: 9th
Now, why would I have Malcolm at the top of this list and not someone ruled the game like Tony, or Andrea who I clamed to be one of my all time favourite players? Well let's look at his past two seasons. In "Philippines". Malcolm was someone everyone wanted to be with. He was good at challenges, great at camp, and kept a idol in his pocket and stayed around even when he revealed it to everyone. He was the someone that was made to win survivor and still made it to the final four where unfortunately, he couldn't pull off the final immunity win and was voted off.
In "Caramoan", He showed mostly, the same thing. He was likable, strong, idol-finding guy we all liked the first time. But this time, he showed a bit of his strategic side as well. Making deals with multiple people, making a army in the merge which could have worked if a ally kept her mouth shut, convincing someone who was gonna play a idol, to use it on him instead, and used two idols to create chaos and blindside the other sides leader.
Put these things together, we have someone that could win the game with ease. In those two seasons, Malcolm has shown the three aspects of Survivor that you need to win. Strategic, Social, and Physical. Strategic to not be stupid and make smart decisions, social where people like you, and physical to not be so weak that they will vote you off, and be strong enough to win near the end.
People like to compare Malcolm to Ozzy but that's because they have long hair. Malcolm can be arrogant as well, but at least he is self aware of it, unlike Ozzy. And is someone who could win the game if he makes it to the end. He has the tools, he just needs to use it.
I like seeing Malcolm play. It's cool seeing him grow as a player and it should be interesting to see how he does this season.
that's my ranking. Have fun, enjoy the show tonight. And I'll see you in the next episode.
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